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系列重要讲话 "十四五"规划 政府工作报告 一号文件 二十大报告 中国政府与政治 马哲 毛概 邓论和三个代表 科学发展观 法理学与宪法 公文写作 应用文写作 公务员法 管理常识 行政法 经济 经济常识 经济法 科技生活 民法 人文历史 商法 社会公德 事业单位知识 宪法 刑法 政治经济学 中共党史 中国特色社会主义 定义判断 片段阅读 数学运算 选词填空 地形地势 高科技产业 工业 海洋资源 行政区划 河流湖泊 疆域 交通运输业 民族 农业 气候 人口 水资源 土地资源 自然资源 时事政治


时间:2017-10-24 00:23:45

te sleep

  C. do not know how to relax properly

  D. are more unlikely to run into mental problems

59. When sometimes they cannot enjoy adequate sleep, the long sleepers might ().

  A. appear disturbed

  B. become energetic

  C. feel dissatisfied

  D. be extremely depressed

60. Which of the following is NOT included in the passage?()

  A. If one sleeps inadequately, his performance suffers and his memory is weakened.

  B. The sleep patterns of short sleepers are exactly the same as those shown by many mental patients.

  C. Long and short sleepers differ in their attitudes towards sleep.

  D. Short sleepers would be better off with more rest.

  Questions 61—65 are based on Passage Two:

Passage Two

  As the 21st century begins, a number of leaders in politics, education, and other professions believe that the US must adopt some new values to go along with the old traditional ones. What new values should Americans adopt? This is a very difficult question to answer. Certainly, a greater value should be placed on the conservation of natural reasources; Americans should learn to use less and waste less. But conservation has never been a strong value to Americans, who have believed that their country offered an endless,abundant supply of natural resources.

  Recently, progress has been made—more and more Americans are recycling their paper,cans,bottles,and other goods—but old wasteful habits died hard. Furthermore,the need to protect the environment may conflict with the need for jobs,as in the Northwest ,where conservationists battle lumber companies that want to cut down ancient redwood trees. A belief in the value of conservation is still compared with other American values; it can become stronger only as Americans see the need for it more clearly.

In addition,Americans may need to place a strong value on cooperation on a national scale to achieve important national objectives. The American idea of the national good has never been based on national cooperation but rather on the freedom of the individual, maintaining those conditions that provide the greatest freedom and prosperity for the individual . It is far more difficult for Americans to accept shared sacrifice for the common good and wellbeing of the entire country. For example ,although the majority of Americans believe that it is extremely important to balance the national budget and reduce the deficit, they do not want to see cuts in government programs that benefit them personally.

  The American value of competition also hinders the development of a spirit of national cooperation. Competition sometimes encourages feelings of suspicion rather than the mutual trust that is necessary for successful national cooperation.Although Americans often cooperate successfully on the local level—in neighborhood groups and churches, for example, on the national level, they may see themselves as part of an interest group that is competing with other interest groups for government funds. A request by the national government for shared sacrifice may be seen as coercive and destructive rather than voluntary and constructive. However, the demands for the 21st century may compel Americans to place a greater value on national cooperation to solve problems that affect them all, directly and indirectly.

61. The best TITLE of this passage could be ().

  A. Which is Better, New Value or Old Value?

  B. Conservation vs. Need for Jobs

  C. The Need for New National Values

  D. Cooperation and Competition

62. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?()

  A. Some Americans would not accept the value of conservation and environment protection, because this value would probably make them unemployed.       [微信做题]

  B. Many Americans have been used to wasting, so it will be difficult for them to accept the new value of conservation.

  C. Some old values are still having a strong influence on American people, although they are harmful in this new age.

  D. Most Americans have fully realized the need to protect the environment, so they have taken measures to recycle junked goods.

63. What is the basis for the American notion of national good?()

  A. Individual freedom.

  B. Personal property.

  C. National cooperation.

  D. Both A and B.

64. The author gave an example in the third paragraph in order to ().

  A. emphasize the need to place a stronger value on national cooperation

  B. explain why the American idea has been based on individual freedom

  C. illustrate the fact that the Americans will not sacrifice their personal interest for the good of the entire country

  D. support the idea that Americans need the spirit of national cooperation to achieve important national objectives in the 21st century

65. The value of competition works against the spirit of national cooperation in that ().

  A. it makes people not believe in the government

  B. it causes people to suspect but not to trust each other

  C. it makes people even unable to cooperate well on local levels

  D. it encourages people to gain success through individual hard work





  1.C[解析] 2011414日,金砖国家领导人第三次会晤在三亚举行。 包括巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非和中国在内的五国领导人围绕着如何协调应对重大国际问题,如何深化和扩大彼此间合作,如何加强金砖国家合作机制等问题进行商讨。这是南非加入金砖阵容后的首次峰会。因此,本题选择C选项。

  2.B[解析] 全国事业单位分类改革正式启动,从中央的新部署看,强化事业单位的公益属性,是此次事业单位分类改革中尤为突出的主导理念。因此,本题选择B选项。

  3.D[解析] 绿色消费是指一种以适度节制消费,避免或减少对环境的破坏,崇尚自然和保护生态等为特征的新型消费行为和过程,其核心是可持续消费。因此,本题选择D选项。

  4.D[解析] 在我国,人民民主具有广泛性和真实性。人民民主的真实性表现在人民当家作主的权利有制度、法律和物质的保障,人民能够自己管理国家,也表现在随着经济发展和社会的进步,广大人民的利益得到日益充分的实现。因此,本题选择D选项。



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