★ 职称英语考试导航 ★ 


时间:2013-01-17 13:30:15


1、I wonder what your aim in life is.
2、The father was unwilling to give his son the keys to his car.
3、Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.
4、He could never be content until he could afford to buy that beautiful car.
5、A bare hill appears behind the jungle.
6、As they move, glaciers push piles of rocks ahead of them.
7、When he arrived home, he deposited his coat on the door.
8、I beg you once again, never desert me in my misfortunes!
9、The government would not dare to impose taxes on such necessities as bread or milk.
10、Mary’s daughter showed ingenuity in making a dress for her doll.
11、The merit of sales tax is that it decreases government reliance on income taxes.
12、No one knows the exact origin of this custom.
13、A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and performs research.
14、They all think that the price of personal computers will soon plunge.
15、Large-scale security forces were readied for action during the Pope’s visit to Wroclaw.

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 ★ 职称英语考试导航 ★ 

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