★ 职称英语考试导航 ★ 


时间:2013-02-11 18:27:16



1、 At midnight,we were (aroused)by a knock at the door. ( ) A.irritatedB.awakenedC.arisenD.annoyed
2、 She was( awarded) a prize forthe film.( ) A.givenB.rewardedC.sentD.reminded
3、 Smoking will be (banned )inall public places here.( ) A.forbiddenB.allowedC.permittedD.promoted
4、 That guy is i(ntelligeng )buta bit dull.( ) A.strangeB.specialC.quietD.boring
5、 She is a (highly) successfulteacher.( ) A.fairlyB.ratherC.veryD.moderately
6、 We should not sacrificeenvironmental protections to( foster) economic growth.( ) A.reduceB.promoteC.realizeD.give
7、 There is a growing (gap)between the rich and the poor.( ) A.conflictB.tensionC.gulfD.confrontation
8、 I am very (grateful) to youfor your assistance.( ) A.helpfulB.hopefulC.pitifulD.thankful
9、 You will be meeting her(presently).( ) A.shortlyB.currentlyC.latelyD.probably
10、 Attitudes to mental illnesshave (shifted )in recent years.( ) A.displayedB.shownC.changedD.demonstrated
11、 I have been trying to (guit)smoking.( ) A.give upB.pick upC.build upD.take up
12、 Relief workers were (shocked)by what they saw.( ) A.movedB.touchedC.surprisedD.worried
13、 The weather is a constant(subject )of conversation in Britain.( ) A.questionB.problemC.titleD.topic
14、 This is not (typical )ofEnglish,but is a feature of the Chinese language.( ) A.particularB.characteristicC.remarkableD.idiomatic
15、 It is (virtually) impossibleto persuade him to apply for the job.( ) A.simplyB.almostC.totallyD.completely



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 ★ 职称英语考试导航 ★ 

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