
时间:2011-01-13 22:06:56

1、What will Dorothy do on weekend?

A.Go out with her friends.

B.Work on her paper.

C.Make some plans

参考答案: B


2、What was the normal price of T-shirt?




参考答案: B


3、What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon ?

A.To attend a wedding.

B.To visit an exhibition

C.To meet a friends

参考答案: A


4、When does the bank close on Saturday?

A.At 1:00 pm

B.At 3:00 pm

C.At 4:00 pm

参考答案: B


5、Where are the speakers?

A.In a store

B.In a classroom

C.At a hotel

参考答案: C


1、What do we know about Nora?

A.She prefers a room of her own

B.She likes to work other girls

C.She lives near the city center

参考答案: A


2、What is good about the flat?

A.It has a large sitting room

B.It has good furniture

C.It has a big kitchen

参考答案: C


3、Where has Barbara been?




参考答案: A


4、What has Barbara got in her suitcase?




参考答案: A


5、Who is making the telephone call?

A.Thoms Brothers

B.Mike Landon

C.Jack Cooper

参考答案: B


6、What relation is the woman to Mr.Cooper ?

A.His wife

B.his boss

C.his secretary

参考答案: C


7、What is the message about?

A.a meeting

B.a visit to France

C.the data for a trip

参考答案: A


8、Who Could the man Speaker most probably be ?

A.a person who saw the accident

B.the driver of the lorry

C.a police officer

参考答案: C


9、What was Mrs.Franks doing when the accident tool place?

A.walking alone Churchill Avenue

B.Getting ready to cross the road

C.standing outside a bank

参考答案: C


10、When did the accident happen?

A.at about 8:00 am

B.at about 9:00 am

C.at about 10:00 am

参考答案: B


11、How dod the accident happen?

A.a lorry hit a car

B.a car ran into a lorry

C.a bank clerk rushed into the street

参考答案: B


12、What is the talk mainly about ?

A.the history of the school

B.the courses for the term

C.the plan for the day

参考答案: C


13、Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A.in the school hall

B.in the science labs

C.in the classrooms

参考答案: B


14、What can students do in the practical areas ?

A.Take science courses

B.Enjoy excellent meals

C.Attend workshops

参考答案: C


15、When are the visitors expected to ask questions ?

A.During the lunch hour

B.After the welcome speech

C.Before the tour of the labs

参考答案: A


1、-I’ll do the washing-up.Jack,would you please do the floor?____________

A.Yes please

B.no I don’t

C.Yes sure

D.no not at all

参考答案: C


2、There are over 58,000 rocky objects in_______space,about 900 of which could fall down onto_______earth.

A.the rhe

B.不填 the

C.the 不填

D.a the

参考答案: B


3、Jim went to answer the phone ._______, Harry started to prepare lunch.





参考答案: D


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