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2013考研英语作文预测-中国影响力 责任感

时间:2013-01-04 19:31:23









  2009年初考研英语作文的题目是《网络的近与远》。这个思路没有马上引入2008年奥运会的热点,也再次反映出来与2008年初的考研英语作文出题思路的一致性——一定程度上与热点相脱离。同时我们可以观察CET6考试,可以发现,2007年12月的CET6的题目是《数字时代》(digital age),2008年6月的CET6的题目是《电子书是否可以替代传统书籍》(Will E-books replace traditional books?)。这两个题目都与网络有关,CET6两次出现了与网络相关的题目,而且半年之后考研英语作文题目再次与网络有关。与2008年考研英语作文题目和2007年6月CET6的关系类似,都是CET6提前半年为考研题目做了预热。

  2010年的考研英语大作文题目是《文化火锅》,这一年的小作文是关于《招聘国际会议的志愿者》。首先,小作文是2008年奥运会的一次延后再现。就像上文分析的那样,出题者为了防止出现作文题目立即反映出热点从而被考生猜中的尴尬,因此考题出现了1年时间的延迟,并且热点出现在了小作文题目上。我们再思考大作文,大作文首先是2002年考研大作文的思路再现:文化多样化(cultural diversity)。我们再思考CET考试,距离最近的CET考试是:2009年12月的CET6是关于“参加各种艺术培训班”,2009年6月的CET4的题目围绕着“博物馆”。各种艺术班和博物馆都是关于增加知识和思想的,而这也为2010年的考研英语作文做了铺垫。









2013年考研英语大作文权威预测一 中国影响力

  范文演示:Introduced as a widely known Chinese fable“Blind men and an Elephant”, it tells us never to draw a conclusion from incomplete data. For tremendous years, people outside China could only get narrow and unilateral knowledge about China, leaving a real China far from being unveiled. Nevertheless, the past 2008 Beijing Olympics was the very and perfect time to lift the curse.

  For most people who are non-Chinese, they tend to have a picture of Chinese who are just Confucius-like, living in a highly polluted place or even having no freedom to speak in public, etc. Reasons behind are usually the following two: one is that westerners are not so eager to learn about China just as our Chinese do about them, the limited information that reached them are mostly outdated or biased one which were more often than not stipulated by a third party with a special interest; the other is that Chinese government were not so open as the one today and did inadequate publicity about its country, thus the image of China is always kind of mysterious to outsiders, then the image depicted above about China, though misleading, is understandable.

  However, the grand Olympic Games provide an golden opportunity for people around the world to see a complete and“brand-new”China. Therefore, a better world characterized by harmony between China and all the other countries is to come.


  重点推荐: the lack of responsibility 缺乏责任感

  范文演示:When the issue of poisonous milk powder gains an overwhelming focus from the public, what are these malefactors doing? As we can see from the depiction, enterprise, milk station, milch cow and even grass are trying to find someone scapegoating for this credit crisis, in my view point, that‘s nothing to do with the credit but the problem of responsibility.

  Responsibility is a keyword that we should never disregard, defined not only as the courage to face every foreseeable risk, but as the braveness to entail every malpractice when it really takes place as well. The causes of the shortage of responsibility or even conscience may be as follows. Firstly, inner cause ascribing probably to the destructive influence emanating from the decay of morality may result in the over-materialism .Furthermore, outerly , deficient supervisal gives rise to the fearless adventurer who is at the risk of anything ,not to say to deviate from his own liability ,to pursue as many as profits. A case in point is the Melamine-laced Milk Incident which almost destroyed the whole of China‘s milk industry.

  It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end this thorny situation, such as enacting related law to reinforce our supervisal mechanism to avoid the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happen and promoting social entities to regain one of Chinese traditional virtues, which is called“who would enter the hell if I wouldn‘t”,that means, undoubtedly, to learn to be responsible for the blunder means sensible unflinchingness.

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