2015年高考真题——英语(湖北卷) Word版含答案(六)

时间:2015-06-15 12:43:32

nbsp;  D. weak

33.A.instead of      B. in return for      C. regardless of      D. in exchange for

34.A.cup                B. card                   C. comb                 D. cake

35.A.gave in                  B. broke down      C. got away                  D. showed up

36.A.difficulty        B. process              C. goal                   D. secret

37.A.And                B. But             C. For             D. So

38.A.before                   B. since           C. though              D. unless

39.A.call                B. drop           C. sell             D. reach

40.A.edition           B. idea                   C. policy                D. task

41.A.bread            B. insects               C. seeds                  D. water

42.A.concerned              B. amazed             C. excited              D. determined

43.A.still                B. already               C. just            D. also

44.A.taught                   B. handed              C. awarded                    D. allowed

45.A.at once                  B. by chance                 C. as usual             D. on purpose

46.A.proud                    B. gentle                 C. warm                  D. polite

47.A.borrowed     B. lost             C. made                  D. saved

48.A.laughed        B. shouted             C. nodded             D. started

49.A.bravely                  B. grateful             C. fondly                D. modestly

50.A.duty              B. business            C. job             D. method





“I see you’ve got a bit of water on your coat,” said the man at the petrol station. “Is it raining out there?””No, it’s pretty nice,” I replied, checking my sleeve. “Oh, right. A pony(马驹) bit me earlier.”

As it happened, the bite was virtually painless: more the kind of small bite you might get from a naughty child. The pony responsible was queuing u

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